
Tourists visit Badachu Park decorated with red lanterns in Beijing, on Oct 2, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]


China ranked third in the latest global poll on people’s perceptions of their personal security by a pollster from the United States, indicating its residents have a high sense of security.在美國民調機構一項對於個人安全感的最新全球民調中,中國名列第三,顯示出中國民眾具有較高的安全感。

The 2020 Global Law and Order report, released on Tuesday by the Washington-based organization Gallup, covered 144 countries and areas. The poll was conducted throughout 2019 and involved nearly 175,000 people aged 15 and older who were interviewed face-to-face or by telephone.這份2020全球法律和秩序指數報告由總部位於華盛頓的蓋洛普於27日發佈,該報告涵蓋144個國傢和地區。2019年,蓋洛普通過面對面訪談和電話方式,采訪瞭總計17.5萬名來自世界各國和地區,15歲及以上的民眾,最終得出這份報告。

在蓋洛普發佈的這份榜單中,新加坡和土庫曼斯坦兩國得分均為97分,並列第一。中國以94分排名第三。China’s overall law and order index is 94. Singapore and Turkmenistan topped the poll with scores of 97.



Participants were asked four questions: Do you have confidence in the local police force? Do you feel safe walking alone at night in the city where you live? Within the last 12 months, have you had money or property stolen from you or another household member? Have you been assaulted or mugged?受訪者要回答四個問題:你對於當地警察有信心嗎?你在所居住的城市走夜路感覺安全嗎?過去一年中,你或傢人遭遇過金錢或財產失竊事件嗎?你遭遇過人身傷害或搶劫案件嗎?




The report showed that 90 percent of the respondents from China said they feel secure when walking alone at night, which is 21 percentage points higher than the average response. China ranked fifth in the index of countries where people feel safest walking alone, after Singapore, Turkmenistan, Norway and the United Arab Emirates.




The US ranks 36th with an 85, slightly higher than the world average of 82.

此外,由於非洲裔男子弗洛伊德等人遭警察暴力執法後死亡的事件發生,美國人對警察的信任度在下降。2019年,有79%的美國人表示對警察充滿信心。與此同時,蓋洛普的調查也發現,在今年5月弗洛伊德去世引發大規模抗議後,大多數美國人(58%)表示需要大力改善警務狀況。In the US, where the future of policing is being re-examined in many communities after the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others at the hands of police, 79 percent of Americans in 2019 said they are confident in their local police. Gallup’s annual US Confidence in Institutions survey, conducted after Floyd’s death, showed a decline in Americans’ confidence in the police.
