


This achievement requires you to collect all Rank 4 Azerite Essences. As some of the Essences required seasonal content like Mythic+ or Ranked PvP, previous blue posts led players to believe that you had to complete some content before the pre-patch, but the remaining Rank 4 Essences could be obtained in the period between pre-patch and launch to complete the achievement.
However, that is not the case according to Blizzard’s revised bluepost. All Rank 4 Essences must be acquired before the pre-patch in order to get the Phenomenal Cosmic Power.



然而在最新的藍貼中,暴雪表示情況並非如此,所有的四級精華將會在前夕版本上線時絕版Updated Aug. 18: The achievement Phenomenal Cosmic Power will no longer be obtainable once pre-patch goes live (we previously stated that this would go away once Shadowlands went live). This is due to certain Rank 4 Essences no longer being available to earn after pre-patch (e.g. Vision of Perfection).8月18日藍貼更新:在前夕補丁上線後,[寰宇之力,震懾古今]成就將不再能夠獲得(“我們曾經說過是9.0上線絕版,但我們吃書瞭”)。這是因為某些4級精華在前夕補丁上線後無法再獲得。

