戀愛中進展太快 該怎麼辦?

What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?

From:Isadora Delvichio

I was seeing this guy, and everything was going well. He would buy me ice cream, we would sit down and have nice conversations at the beach, and one day he invited me over to his house to play some video games. I said okay. Everything was going great. We kissed. We held hands. You know, relationship stuff. There came a point I walked to the kitchen to serve myself another glass of wine, I was pretty tipsy. He comes up to me, and pushes me up against the wall. Needless to say I did enjoy this, but I also felt that things were going a bit too fast so I pulled away to stop kissing him, and he wouldn’t get off of me. I pressed on him lightly to push him away, and smiled while I turned my head, and that is when he slapped me across the face. I looked at him in utter shock for a few moments, and he just stared at me. I asked “what the hell are you thinking man.” And he responds by saying that he is dominant. I grabbed my shit and left. I was like no no no. I’m not about to be a statistic. He chased after me begging and apologizing saying that he thought I was into that. I took it as a red flag and never looked back.




Girls must protect themselves outside!
